1- Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic, Expert SystemsÙˆ Computational Intelligence, Natural Language Processing, Data Mining, Neuromorphic systems, Biometrics Sentiment Analysis, Affective computing Agents and Multi-agent Systems.
2- Machine Vision, Human Computer Interaction, Pattern Recognition, Image/Video Processing, Brain-Machine Interface, Geographic Information Systems, Signal Processing, Medical Diagnosis, Segmentation Techniques, Augmented/Virtual Reality.
3- Intelligent Data Security, Cyber Systems, Intrusion Detection, Robotics Humanoid, Robots Space and underwater robots, Assistive Robots, Mobile Robots, Autonomous Robots, Human-Robot Interaction, Telerobotics Walking and Climbing Robots, Robotic Automation, Robot Localization and Map Building. 4- Ambient Intelligence, Smart Cities, Internet of Things, Ambient Assisted, Living Smart, Healthcare Intelligent, Transportation Data Science, Sensing and Sensor Networks, Context-aware pervasive systems, Intelligent Communication Systems.